Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How about a Fresh Start?

Are you in grades K-12?  Have you accidentally forgotten to return an item to the library?  It happens, a busy school schedule with piling homework makes returning an item to the library be the last priority on your checklist.  Unfortunately that leads to fines here and there and before you know it, your library card is blocked.  With the new year approaching, maybe it's time to get a Fresh Start!

KCLS offers eligible participants to get a one time waiver and start using the library again.  That means up to $25 in fines can be forgiven on an existing KCLS card!

How do you know you're eligible?  Check out the Fresh Start page on KCLS and see if you can waive your fines.

Now you can go back to borrowing to your heart's content!


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